

  著名博客、《时尚》集团《美食与美酒》杂志编辑主任鼠尾草(新浪博客大赛一等奖,德国之声“最佳中文博客”得主)因工作劳累过度、透支生命,罹 患癌症去世,鼠尾草生病期间,《时尚》杂志不再续签合同,使她失去保障,在压力之下很快转移去世。现在鼠尾草的先生决定将起诉《时尚》,希望通过鼠尾草的 事件警醒大家珍爱生命、爱惜自己,并推动法律的完善,保护更多劳动者在面对病患时得到基本的保障。请大家点击http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/468c0586010007uj 表达我们的支持!






A short sale3 is the sale of a security that the seller does not own or that the seller owns but does not deliver.In order to deliver the security to the purchaser, the short seller will borrow the security, typically from a broker-dealer or an institutional investor(美国证券交易委员会http://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/34-42037.htm)

In general, short selling is utilized to profit from an expected downward price movement, or to hedge the risk of a long position in the same security or in a related security.

1610年,荷兰政府应东印度公司的要求颁布法令禁止卖空交易,东印度公司认为卖空导致了公司股票的下跌。这说明早在1610年之前股市上 已经存在着卖空交易了。美国的纽约州曾在1812年对卖空交易设置了一个不那么有效的障碍,这也说明美国卖空交易的历史是相当久远的了。在亚洲,日本于 1951年6月1日引入了卖空机制,香港则于1994年才推出受监管的卖空制度。

Short selling provides the market with two important benefits: market liquidity and pricing efficiency.
在缺乏卖空机制的市场上一般存在着股票价格高估的现象。引入卖空机制,可以改变这一局面。当股票价格过度上涨时,卖空者预计市场价格会下跌,于是大量卖出,使得该种股票的供需情况有所改善,不致于使行情过热。 而当股票价格确实下跌以后,卖空者就会在一定的价位买入股票,以实现利润,这又增加了市场的需求,使得股票价格不致于下跌太深。这一过程反复进行,其结果 是股票的价格将充分接近实际价值,保持价格的稳定。

从另一方面看,卖空机制也有扰乱市场的负面作用。卖空行为在通过保证金交易方式降低交易成本的同时也创造出了虚拟的供应和需求。这种虚拟的供应和需求的过 分扩大会导致市场信号的失真,给市场带来负面影响。而且卖空在某重程度上也会加速市场下跌。当市场上出现大量的卖空,这一方面会使得投资者看空市场,不愿 进入市场;同时大量的卖空又会引致后续的卖空行为甚至引起投资者的恐慌,投资者纷纷抛出手中持有股份。两方面因素综合会进一步加剧市场的下跌,甚至可能导 致暴跌。很多人相信美国1929年的股市崩盘的一个重要原因就是市场上过量的卖空行为。而且卖空机制在很大可能上可以成为市场操纵者的一项有效的操纵手 段。一个很好的例子就是所谓的“空头袭击”(bear raid),这是指卖空者大量卖空市场上的股票,其目的就是通过改变市场的供求力量来推动市场的下跌,并且在市场的下跌中获利。

略论股票市场上的卖空机制 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所 赵锡军 陈启清


An Inside Look at Google China

李开复2007年1月17日在 Seattle area Google office做的关于Google中国的演讲,演讲有6段,这是第一段
  1. Internet用户 中国:140M 美国:208M
  2. 宽带用户 中国:53M 美国:53M
  3. 手机用户 中国:440M 美国:180M
  4. 工程师毕业数 中国:600K 美国:72K
  5. 中美互联网市场的区别:用户更年轻;草根的互联网应用(娱乐、MP3、游戏);强烈的社区感(Blog、BBS、贴吧);却少信用卡和信用体系;高速增长的市场


eMarketer.com - Few Convert at Retail E-Commerce Sites

Few Convert at Retail E-Commerce Sites

APRIL 9, 2007

Many shop. Few buy.

Online merchants convert an average of 2%-3% of their site visitors into buyers, according to the e-tailing group's "Sixth Annual Merchant Survey."

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That's about the same as last year. And the year before that.

Retail E-Commerce Web Site Conversion Rates according to US Online Retailers, 2005-2007 (% of respondents)

The group says that driving the right customers to sites and increasing sales and retention all require more targeted tactics every year. It points to analytics and data mining as the way to make this happen.

Shop.org conducts a similar annual survey with Forrester Research called "The State of Retailing Online." Conversion rates in that study also average about 2%-3%.

US Retail E-Commerce Conversion Rates, 2001-2005

These are averages. What about those who do better?

A Nielsen//NetRatings report called "MegaView Online Retail" cited in Internet Retailer listed the top 10 US retail e-commerce sites in terms of conversion. Every site had a greater than 15% conversion rate, and nearly 25% of visitors to top site Proflowers.com bought something.

Top 10 Online Retailers in the US, Ranked by Unique Visitor-to-Buyer Conversion Rate, November 2006

eMarketer Senior Analyst Jeffrey Grau says that retailers with industry-leading conversion rates are doing more than just looking at numbers.

"Online retailers who go beyond using traditional Web analytics data to truly understand their customers' intentions, perceptions and concerns will be rewarded with higher conversion rates," he says.

For the latest take on retail e-commerce, eMarketer Total Access subscribers can read the US Retail E-Commerce Update report. If you would like information on subscribing, click here.